Thursday, 24 April 2014

Chris Brown to be locked up till June

Am beginning to go from be sad to getting angry Chris Brown will stay in jail until June after his D.C assault trial was delayed for months. His lawyer applied for bail yesterday but a judge in L.A turned him down.

His trial was supposed to start yesterday April 23rd but was delayed because his bodyguard, Chris Hollosy, who has already been found guilty of assault, wanted immunity to testify on Chris' behalf, saying that he and not Chris punched the fan. But he wasn't granted immunity and so he is refusing to testify while he appeals his verdict. Chris Brown's trial is now on hold until after Hollosy's appeal concludes...and this will take months. Chris Brown faces up to four years in prison if found guilty.

The singer reportedly broke down in court when he was told his bail application was denied. Now he's being sent back to California on Con-Air in chains to await his trial date. It would soon be over.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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