Monday, 3 November 2014


Have you ever woken up with this annoying blisters on your,gums inner lips,tongue or even inner cheeks,which not only spoils your fine face but also extremely painful,well if you ever did,this are easy steps to follow to get rid of it,normally it heals in two weeks its a close relative with cold sores that form on the outer lips,so here they are;

1. If you get this sores regularly,then try brushing regularly with soft brushes and brushing gently,also using toothpaste or mouthwashes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate can cause canker sores and continue to aggravate them. Try substituting natural toothpaste into your regimen

2. Try to rest n relax,because stress is one of the reason attributed to causing these sores.

3. Your diet is also important,Avoid spicy or acidic foods, which can irritate sores further. Peppers and sodas should be shunned. Fruits and vegetables such as lemons, oranges, pineapples, apples, figs, tomatoes, and strawberries may also cause canker sores,get more of B12, zinc, iron, and folic acid.Take a vitamin supplement, or multiple supplements, that contain these every morning.

4. Take a lysine nutritional supplement. Nutritional lysine supplements, like L-lysine, provide essential amino acids that help with tissue growth and repair. This can reduce the occurrence of canker sores and limit the expansion of small canker sores.

5. using salt or baking powder;this is my personal favorite, a few pinches of salt in a glass of warm water. Swish around inside your mouth and spit out, repeating two or three times a day.
An alternative to this is baking soda. Mix one teaspoon baking soda with several ounces of warm water. Swish and spit out.
Alternatively, create a paste with equal parts baking soda and water. Dab the paste over the canker sore with a Q-tip and let dry.
Salt water and baking soda both help the mouth heal itself by reducing the acidity and bacteria in the mouth.

6.Use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
Pour a little bit of it into a plastic soda cap and dilute with an equal amount of water.
Dip the Q-tip or cotton wool into the peroxide solution and dab it only on the canker sore.
Turn the Q-tip around and repeat.
Empty the cap and rinse it with water.
Take care not to swallow any of the hydrogen peroxide if possible.
Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic that will reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and help the canker sore heal.
The canker sore should go away in about 2-3 days if you do it twice a day.

7. You can also use mouth wash and treat the pain by sucking on ice cubes,Eat yogurt daily.
Apply a wet black teabag to the ulcer.
Squeeze the oil of a Vitamin E capsule onto the sore, repeating several times per day.

8. Lemon squeeze on the sore also helps.
If after using all of the above and the sores have not gone after two weeks,then consider seeing your doctor,hope this helps.
Do come back for cold sores remedies tomorrow .

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